Sacred Sexuality

you are divine

What if your sexual essence was your connection to source?

What if your sexuality is not just there to attract and please a partner and provide you with a momentary escape from reality, but rather that it is a sacred and life giving essence that connects you to source and can heal and transform your own life in the most beautiful and expansive ways, just as it can also create the miracle of new life.

Sexuality is where we come from.  Desire is the spark of life itself.  Without desire the river of life runs dry.

Do you hold shame around your sexuality?  

Most of us do!  Society, religion, and others may have told you that your sexuality and desires are shameful and wrong. Even the Christian story of origin has shadowed the innocence of our sexual essence and natural desire with shame.  Ever wonder how that may be affecting other areas of your life and health? Shame can cause fragmentation and dissociation from parts of ourselves that want to live, breathe and be loved. 

Women, men and non-binary folk too have long been shamed, chastised and punished for their sexuality which is the place where all human life begins!…. 

It is no wonder we can feel cut off, confused and even pain in our bodies and partnerships. 

 In my own journey and through supporting others with these practices I have found that when we peel back the layers of shame and embrace and love ALL of who we are; a deeper sense of peace, purpose, pleasure and innate creative power can blossom.

The path of sacred sexuality (derived from wisdoms from the Taosit and Tantric traditions) embraces and celebrates all of human nature, mind body spirt, emotions, desires, longings, the shadows and the light, the suffering and the pleasure, birth, death, rebirth.  The full spectrum cyclical nature of our inner and outer seasons.  This path allows us to expand our spirituality by saying YES to who we are and all that wants to move through us.   A path of self discovery.  A path of liberation. 

Through philosophies, meditations, breath and pleasure practices drawn from the ancient wisdoms of Tantra and Taoism you have a path to come home to the magic of who you are and learn how to play with, cultivate and refine your sexual energy to bring you healing, vitality, magnetic radiance and embodied bliss. 

It’s also a super powerful manifestation tool that can align you with your greatest vision for life as you co-create with the universe.

Coming into a playful and devotional relationship with your own body is a total game changer.  I have seen again and again and again how it not only transforms a woman’s relationship with herself but also creates powerful shifts and openings with her lovers too. 

Diving into the world of sacred sexuality is not just about great sex (but that is a very yummy perk!)…

It is about honouring yourself as a unique expression of life, celebrating daily your full spectrum of human experience, dropping fully into your senses and remembering in an embodied way the bliss of your own being.

Your body is your temple

It may sound cliched but imagine how it would actually feel to come into playful devotion with you body as a way of life…What song of joy would your body sing if anointed with love, pleasure and reverence as a daily practice of devotion?

SELF LOVE is the deepest form of love

Its not where love stops, but where it starts. When you meet yourself with the depth of love, honouring and intimacy that you truly desire your capactiy to give love from a place of fullness, groundedness, and centeredness increases expontentially. Your capactity to receive love also increases.

From this place of fullness it is much easier to see your own illusions and to start to dissolve projections and pains that you may otherwise have inflicted on those you care about most.

As you learn true intimacy through deep connection with self you may start to notice how cultivation of self love spreads like ripples in a pond giving those around you permission and inspiration to live from a place of love, truth, connection and bliss.

The great thing is you don’t need anyone else to be ready to start this journey of self love and liberation through sacred sexuality. This journey is yours to say yes to whenever you desire. The journey starts with you. with these practices you discover your sexuality is a beautiful gift for YOUR own transformation, expansion and pleasure.

You are a spring fountain of life it’s self