I see you Goddess
The journey of conceiving, growing, birthing and then tending to a baby are quite possibly the biggest rites of passage you will ever journey through whilst in human form…
Hats off to you Goddess Creatrix!
Transitioning into motherhood asks you to evolve in so many ways.
This can bring up a LOT of intense emotions, challenges and fears.
With the right support this can be the most empowering and healing doorway that allows you to embody the divine creative essence that you are, in a way you may never have known before.
your journey into motherhood can…
and spur you to know and HONOUR your
BOUNDARIES like never before.
"I feel a deeper connection with my husband and even with my daughter"
"These sessions were such a gift during the powerful yet raw transition into motherhood"
"I have such a deep felt gratitude to Charlotte for supporting me in embodying the mother that I want to be."
"Thank you so much! This has gone so deep in integrating my birth experience."
"I feel a deeper connection with my husband and even with my daughter" • "These sessions were such a gift during the powerful yet raw transition into motherhood" • "I have such a deep felt gratitude to Charlotte for supporting me in embodying the mother that I want to be." • "Thank you so much! This has gone so deep in integrating my birth experience." •
BIRTH can also be a portal to the most incredible
I am living proof of this.
The secret that is little spoken about but makes all the difference when it comes to an empowered birth
Your ANATOMY OF PLEASURE and your anatomy of birth are one and the same. The physiological transformations that happen during AROUSAL RADICALLY transforms your birth experience.
WOMBens bodies are the gateway to the universe.
Your sexuality is a sacred life force energy.
Your body has been exquisitely designed for blissful birth and motherhood;
Tapping into your intuition, sensuality and pleasure allows you to access the full gifts of your life giving body.
This is a concept we have culturally been mixed up on for a very long time with patriarchal systems routinely suppressing women's voices, expressions and needs, and in many cases even punishing and torturing women for being connected with their intuition and sensuality; which is in fact where all human life comes from!...how mixed up is that?!
It's no wonder so many of us find it hard to express our needs and desires, feel connected to the pleasure in our bodies and feel empowered on our birth and mother journeys: our bodies are carrying the un-safety and shame of 12000s years of patriarchal oppression.
Now it's our time to rewrite this story and reclaim the innate pleasure filled power of our bodies.
We are now in such a unique moment in time where we have more choice and freedom available than ever before. It has never been safer for you to reclaim your body, your births, your pleasure and your power.
Your inner truth, your radiance and your highest vibration that shines from this place is so needed on this planet as well as in your beautiful growing family.
Your pleasure is your power.
Wtf?!…Try it out for yourself….live in your pleasure for a day and let me know how it feels ;) x
What I offer….
I support women on their mother journey by empowering them to listen and act on the innate wisdom of their own bodies and desires. I help families and birth support teams *(starting with the mama) to centre the mama's needs and pleasure during this whole process. As the mama’s body is the gateway for this miraculous new life to enter our earthly plain, it is absolutely paramount she is treated as the divine portal that she is!
It is my joy to support you becoming the woman and the mother that you dream to be.
Journeying together you will learn how to nourish and soothe your system with a whole pallet of simple and accessible pleasure practices that enhance your bodies ability to move through the gateways of contraction and expansion that are not only inevitable, but also totally necessary on this growth journey, where we are physically, emotionally and spiritually evolving into the version of ourselves, that is needed to mother our babies and our dreams.
When you meet pain, fear and contraction with curiosity and pleasure you are quite literally telling your nervous system that you are safe to transition through this intensity and that your next level of expansion is awaiting on the other side.
This is deeply self empowering.
These techniques are not only transformative for a deeply pleasurable birth experience but also for the hurdles that you may face during conception, pregnancy and motherhood too
Pregnancy, birth and mamahood support journeys are tailored 100% to meet your unique needs:
This can range from orgasmic birth preparation to a longer, deep healing journey for personal transformation as well as blissful birthing and personalised guidance and support through the initiations of motherhood and partnership as a parent.
Journeys include:
Biweekly or weekly 75min 1 to 1 somatic coaching sessions
Whats app message support between sessions
Audio recorded home play pleasure practices to support your daily flow, birth preparation and deepening embodied pleasure
*Prices start at £555 for 3 sessions and 6 weeks of support, most mamas go for 3 or 6 months support which can span later pregnancy and postpartum too
*A limited number of sliding scale scholarship places are available through application
If you interested to see how I maybe able to support your journey book in for a free 30 min connection call
RE-BIRTHING 1 to 1 coaching
Somatic explorations to gently meet, tend to and unravel any pain or stored traumas from past birth experiences
Integrating residual fears and processing grief from previous birth experiences
Coming back into a deep and devotional connection with your body and womanhood after challenging and traumatic birth experiences.
Making space for new birth stories whether it be rewriting the old stories in your body mind (through embodiment practices and meditations) or opening up pleasurable possibilities for new births to come.
3 x 75min 1 to 1 coaching sessions as a minimum,
whats app message support between sessions.
Audio recorded home play practices to support your integration and embodied pleasure
Prices start at £555